Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Sowing Seeds

Our landlord brought us some old railway sleepers
and Arthur turned them into a new vege bed for us.
All that was left to do was plant it up.

Planting was haphazard...
We now have a very dense row of carrots poking through
A clump of tomatoes in one corner and small patch of kale in another.
I think the slugs enjoyed the spinach shoots.
We all enjoyed the planting though.
I've brought some courgette seedlings to fill the gaps.
I need to be careful, I nearly called them Zucchini...
I must be starting to feel Australian!

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Flower Girl

I would like to say that winter is on its way out
but its howling a gale again and pouring with rain 
as it has been for the last month or so.

Here's Skye to cheer us up.
These Lilies just make me think of winter here.
She loves the lilies and happily, as they are a weed here, its ok to pick them.
Face painting in the 1st photos model's own...
Last photo professionally done.  
She was having none of the fairy options and insisted she wanted a cow face.

Wednesday, 26 June 2013


Thanks for coming all the way over to visit us Jason.
It was pretty wintry although only Australian wintry
Warm enough for some beach exploring and space hopping.

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Winter Solstice

We dined by candle and lantern light on Friday
to celebrate the winter solstice, the longest night of the year.
The girls had made lanterns at playgroup in the morning.
They enjoyed carrying them around the garden
and playing with wax at the table.
We only had potatoes with beans and cheese for dinner
but there was a little bit of magic to the evening.

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Skye's Butterfly Birthday

It started the night before with a plan to make a butterfly cake.
A couple of hours later, a lot of laughing and some reminising about our own birthday cakes
we ended up with a technicolour disco bat!
Luckily we've lots of years left to improve.
We woke up early (as usual) on the 25th May
It was Skye's 3rd Birthday.
Lots of excitement,
paper everywhere and 2 happy little girls.

The sun decided to shine and we got to put on our party outfits.
Ready to Party
We had guests of all ages to the party,
and ate icecreams and sausage rolls.
The bat cake didn't last long once he was cut,
small (and big) people seemd very partial to blue icing.
The planes, trains, automobiles and horses kept everyone amused.
The birthday girl enjoying her icecream.

The good thing about eating icecream the same colour as your dress
 is that know one can see how much you drip down your front.

Yummy Bat Cake!

More IceCream anyone?

Merry go round


Hold on to your hats! 
It was a good party.  Here's to many more.

Au Revoir Estelle

She didn't like her photo being taken but we managed to sneak in a few as we waited for the bus!
Thank you Estelle for looking after our little girls.
Merci et bon appetite et HONNEEEY.

We'll see you in Montpellier or Los Angeles!
 (or Sydney or Bali or somewhere in the world)