Tuesday, 29 May 2012

These Sunny Days

The weather here in Albany has been amazing the last couple of weeks.  
Beautiful sunny days.
No wind.

Its perfect for lying about in the sunshine with no fear of burning, paddling in the sea and just being out and about.  

It also makes looking after little ones much easier.

Skye is loving the beach...
collecting shells and other treasures, building sand castles and running in the sand dunes.  

Layla is mainly interested in eating sand 
but has dipped her toes in too.

We found this lovely mermaid at Middleton beach.

Saturday, 26 May 2012


Skye was 2 yesterday.  
As usual all the clichés apply.  
Time has flown, she's grown so quick.

Its been a million times more fun than I imagined
I'm sure it will continue to be.

Yesterday was a bit disjointed, only Layla and I to celebrate.  We did cake and candles today.

We had a great party on our last weekend in England ...... with Daddy and Grandma and Grandpa L and Auntie N, Uncle E and Grandma S on Skype.  Here are a few pics.

Grandpa's special egg sandwiches

Its a tea party

Jam tarts by Skye, Daddy and Mummy

Egg sandwiches much appreciated by Bobbie


Those orange jellies take me back to my childhood.


Evening light on the summer house


Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Memories - A perfect summer afternoon at Peaceful Bay

A dawn stroll round a waking town, 
listening to the birds, 
enjoying the 1st heat of the sun 
got the day off to a good start.  

We took the long and scenic route home from Nannup.

We called in at a place we hadn't visited before....
the name sounded good... 
Peaceful Bay.

It lived up to its name and turned into one of those afternoons 
that I know I will remember for a long time.

Saturday, 19 May 2012

Scottish Sky Day

A beautiful day in the Highlands
Snowy peaks, bright sunshine and fluffy clouds.
It felt like the Alps but all the more brilliant for being Scotland.

The rest of the paragliding world came to see us....
....or we all knew where to go.

Caught up with friends, who generously loaned wings, thanks Tim.
Back in the British flying scene....
for one truly memorable day.

Up we go

Arthur in the air!

There's Daddy

Dirty Bike!

New Friend

Do you like my dance?

Cool cat

Spot Arthur in the Sky

At the Zoo

All dressed up and ready to go

The Pandas came to visit the Zoo in Edinburgh.

We thought we'd better go and say hello as we had all made such a long trip to this part of the world.
We also met monkeys, mingos, tigers, lions, rhinos, hippos, sea lions, penguins and bears.
We stayed for hours and would have stayed longer
but Maud and Arthur needed to go home for a cup of tea.

Panda Food
This one prefers carrots

Hungry Work

She enjoyed it so much she wanted to stay.